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Hunter Flèche

26 novembre 2014

going to continue thinking it isn'[t a big deal

As soon as someone can tell me a reasonable gain these people have obtained by having the ring over the next 3-4 days, with no raids or rated pvp going on, then I will agree it is BS. As no one has mentioned anything besides 'they...
20 novembre 2014

If you have the Baby bear & Ony whelp

If you have the Baby bear & Ony whelp, you can mail them to any toon on the same realm as the toon that has them, be your other toons ally or horde. Also don't try to send messages in the mail to the other side.or wow.. Because they don't come out in...
18 novembre 2014

should see the world and not just skip over it

You are doing nothing but wasting space on this thread. If you don't have something to add to the discussion, there is a button that says "like." Use it, please. Secondly, and more important, the removal of portals is bad. The arguments for removing the...
13 novembre 2014

that goblin picture looks awesome

Man, that goblin picture looks awesome. I myself have just started learning more about digital illustration, I'm trying to figure out how the sky and grass were done. I can't figure out if it was done in Corel Painter, or if it was expertly collaged in...
11 novembre 2014

They were a great addition to the game

I find it almost inconceivable that there are people out there who did not see these tooltips and think to themselves, "Wow, what a great addition to the game." They were a great addition to the game. Edit: That said, obviously stuff like how you toggle...
7 novembre 2014

super bugged and just swapped around

So based on the latest edits to this post, being Transmute spec is looking to be even more worthless than it was in Wrath... When we only get to transmute once a day,acheter wow po it's a real pain that it never seems to proc extra. EDIT: but if it's...
5 novembre 2014

quests or prevent them from being ganked as well

I for one have had a couple of good experiences come from it, motsly the quest chains are cool.For the most part it's been all bad experiences, herbs & mining nodes phase away from you when you enter a phased area, you can't help a guildie complete quests...
3 novembre 2014

that tank will decide when to go

Hell yes it is extremely rude. No one....and I mean absolutely no one needs to nor should feel the need to say "go". The tank is the leader of the group and therefore that tank will decide when to go. Quit being so impatient. I've tanked my fair share...
30 octobre 2014

Maximum Mana every 3 seconds

The Priest sets out an Enchanted Light well that will Move around the Priest... Healing every friendly party Member within a 15 yard Radius. The Light well will move around the Priest in a Circular Motion for 30 Seconds, Healing all Party Members for...
28 octobre 2014

peel in general with this entire expansion

I feel that they just slipped on a banana peel in general with this entire expansion. I don't mind a small increase in challenge, but What----The......F*bleeeep*!? Are these guys colorblind that they can only see BLACK and WHITE or something? Okay, Lich...
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